Case Studies

Healthcare SaaS company, a leading EMR solution provider, is seeing 60% increase in operational efficiency with Datagol

Problem: Inefficient data procession across 20 different sources, lack of automated workflows and difficulting in providing actionable insights to business stakeholders and customers

Solution: With Datagol intelligent experience platform, Healthcare company is seeing improved revenue growth.

  • 15% increase in revenue growth

  • 60% increase in operation efficiency

  • 1200 hours of Data Egineers time saved

Remo, a leading virtual conference platform, is seeing 43% reduction in retention with Datagol

Problem: Building post event dashboards was too resource intensive, and less effective led to slowing their growth.

Solution: With Datagol platform, Remo is seeing improved business growth

  • 43% reduction in retention

  • 86% reduction in data management operation cost

  • 200% increase in customer satisfaction